Sunday, September 6, 2015

NTSB Study: Texting-While-Driving No Longer Top Cause of Phone/Car Death

The Courant-Grunion                        (Est. 1988)
NTSB Report: Texting-While-Driving No Longer No. 1 Cause of Phone-Related Traffic Fatalities

By Trevor N. Deavor

The National Traffic Safety Board released new Traffic Fatality statistics for the first half of 2015 on Friday. This study provided an in-depth analysis of Phone-Related Traffic Deaths from Jan. 1 through June 30, 2015.
“Phone-related traffic deaths are sky-rocketing,” NTSB Spokesman Simon Hoche-Weg said, reading a pre-written statement. “But Texting-While-Driving and simply talking on the phone are no longer the primary factors. Texting fell to number seven on the list, while talking on the phone dropped from the top ten altogether.
This year, the number one cause of Phone-Related driving deaths is “Liking and Sharing” blessings either from Jesus, or promises of money, edging out the nearly-as popular “Liking” memes in support of President Obama. Anti-Obama Meme-liking came in a close third place.
“People are using their phones for everything from online shopping to uploading videos while they’re driving,” Hoche-Weg said. “This is becoming something of an epidemic.”
According to the Hoche-Weg, the most frequent texted or posted comment that winds up being somebody’s last is “Lol.”
“The worst part about this is, they don’t even take the time to make the 'LOL' all-caps,” said Belinda Sharon, director of Moms Against Cellular Devices Allowing Death and Dismemberment of Youth (MACDADDY.) “If you’re going to die for your text, at least go out with class.”
Sharon said she hopes to implement Death-While-Texting etiquette courses at all community colleges by next Spring Quarter.
"America needs to be number one at something, and proper Text-techniques while dying seems like a good place to start," she said.
The following are the top ten ways people die while driving and using their phones from 1/1/15 to 6/30/15.
#1  Liking and Sharing a blessing                                                                                1,045,221
#2  Liking a Pro-Obama Meme                                                                                    1,022,159
#3  Liking an Anti-Obama Meme                                                                                1,009,566
#4  Tweeting a “Driver Selfie”                                                                                        988,134
#5  SnapChatting yourself singing along to Justin Bieber                                              887,622
#6  Downloading a song you just heard on the radio                                                      672,421
#7  Texting-While-Driving (80% “Lol.”)                                                                        528,425
#8  Playing Words-With-Friends/Trivia Crack/Candy Crush                                         465,883
#9  Google-Searching the word “Side Boob” or “Under Boob”                                     446,785
#10  Deleting History of recent Google Searches                                                           389,799

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